Teaching Young AAC Users to Be Aware, Sensitive, and Empowered
Different parts of the world have seen protests & other sorts of upheavals in the past few months. Children may…
Different parts of the world have seen protests & other sorts of upheavals in the past few months. Children may…
There are several reasons we communicate. Sometimes, we communicate just to get the attention of a loved one while other…
Autonomous communication and boundless expression are very much the primary goals of AAC. While we focus on developing communication skills,…
Sunrise Learning is a Center for Autism and Special Needs located in Noida, India. The center uses Avaz extensively for…
We often see that one of the major stumbling blocks for an emergent communicator’s progress is the struggle to get…
If you are looking for a simple tool for shared reading with your child, MDA Avaz Reader is the perfect…
We always love to know how users across the world are using Avaz AAC app and how it helps communicators…
AAC is primarily for communication. But it’s important that we focus on developing literacy skills of the communicators too. Once…
Shared reading is a simple and delightful way to pick up language and communication skills as you take children on an…
Schools are still struggling to get virtual classrooms right which leaves parents to figure out how to best support their…